Dental disease is the most common health problem that vets see in dogs and cats, and it is vital to keep your pet’s teeth and gums healthy. There are several means of keeping teeth in good condition which we can recommend.
At VDSC we perform routine cleaning (scale and polish), and simple and surgical extractions when required. Dr. Gemma has undertaken advanced dental training, and along with routine dental surgery, can also perform restorative procedures (fillings) on damaged teeth, allowing us to save teeth that may have otherwise become painful and diseased or needed extraction.
At VDSC, our focus is always on preserving teeth, and we only perform extractions when there are no viable alternatives.
Dental procedures at VDSC are day procedures, so all pets are able to go home the day of the visit, and often feel more comfortable than before the visit.
A common concern for owners of older pets is the anaesthetic, and whilst we don’t wish to downplay the inherent risks of sedation and anaesthetics in general, we balance the overall lower risk of anaesthetic against the health and comfort of the patient. It is not uncommon for the pet to display a “new lease on life” afterwards because they have been suffering on-going dental pain for long periods of time prior to their visit. If you have any concerns about your pet undergoing an anaesthetic, then please discuss it with our experienced vets during your visit and we can give you all the information for you to make the best decision on behalf of your pet. You may also find that our “On The Day” page gives you an overview of your pet’s day with us.
We offer free dental assessments at any time (by appointment). If a dental procedure is recommended, we will give you an estimate of the costs anticipated.
If you would like to book a time for your pet’s free dental check, then please call us on 0422 999 195 or simply fill out the On Line Contact Form.